A Comprehensive Guide to Types of Diamond Stones:

Three Emerald Cut Wedding Ring White gold

When it comes to buying jewelry, it’s essential to understand the different types of diamonds and stones available. Each type has its own unique characteristics, and the price can vary significantly. Whether you’re buying an engagement ring, a pair of earrings, or a necklace, choosing the right stone for your needs and budget is crucial

1. Cubic Zirconia

Cubic Zirconia is a man-made stone that is made from synthetic material, such as cubic zirconia. They are popular for their different colors, high clarity, and fire, making them highly sought after for rings. CZ is a less expensive alternative to diamonds, and while it is not as durable, it is a popular choice for costume jewelry and for people who want a diamond look without the high price tag. Browse the CZ collection.

2. Moissanite

Moissanite is a naturally occurring substance called silicon carbide, and its various crystalline polymorphs make it an excellent alternative to natural diamonds for gorgeous-looking jewelry. It has a higher hardness than other diamond varieties, making it resistant to scratches and damage. Moissanite stones are often less expensive than diamonds and have a brilliance and fire that rivals natural diamonds. Browse our moissanite collection.

3. Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds are the most common type of diamond. They come from various locations worldwide, including Africa, Canada, the United States, and Russia. Natural diamonds are more expensive than other types of diamonds and stones and have a longer life span due to their natural properties. The quality and price of a diamond are based on the 4 Cs: Carat, Color, Clarity, and Cut. The higher the grade of each of the 4 Cs, the more valuable and expensive the diamond will be.

4. Lab-grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are a recent development in the diamond industry. These diamonds are made by growing crystals in a laboratory setting instead of extracting them from the ground. They have some unique properties that make them desirable, such as higher transparency and fire. Lab-grown diamonds are also eco-friendly, and their price is often less than natural diamonds. They are a popular choice for people who want a more ethical and affordable alternative to natural diamonds.

Choosing the right diamond stone can be overwhelming, especially with so many options available. Whether you’re looking for a natural diamond, lab-grown diamond, Moissanite, or Cubic Zirconia, it’s essential to understand their unique features and properties. Each type of diamond stone has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to you to decide which one best suits your needs and budget. Learn more about types of diamonds.


  1. Are Moissanite diamonds as durable as natural diamonds?
  • Moissanite is actually more durable than natural diamonds due to its higher hardness.
  1. How can I tell if a diamond is natural or lab-grown?
  • Lab-grown diamonds often have inclusions that are not present in natural diamonds. However, the best way to determine if a diamond is lab-grown is through certification from a reputable geological


1 thoughts on “A Comprehensive Guide to Types of Diamond Stones:

  1. Pingback: Guide to Buying the Best Moissanite Diamonds - Octa Pearl

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